Saint Michael the Archangel
Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of Boston. Hudson, Massachusetts
Mass Times
Palm Sunday is April 13th, 2025
Saturday: 4:00pm Vigil Mass (English)
Sunday: 8:00am(English
Sunday: 9:15am(Portuguese), chapel
Sunday: 10:00am(English)
Sunday: 11:30am(Brazillian), chapel
Holy Thursday is April 17th, 2025
NOTE: No Daily Mass at 9:00am
7:00pm (English)
Good Friday is April 18th, 2025
NOTE: No Daily Mass at 9:00am
7:00pm Liturgy Service(English)
Easter Vigil Mass
NOTE: No Daily Mass at 9:00am
Easter Sunday Mass
Sunday: 8:00am(English
Sunday: 9:15am(Portuguese), chapel
Sunday: 10:00am(English)
Sunday: 11:30am(Brazillian), chapel
Description Title
Public/Communal Praying of The Stations of the Cross in the Church: 2025 Lent Schedule: ALL ARE WELCOME
March 7th: 3:00pm led by Pat Conte
March 7th: 7:00pm led by our clergy
March 14th: 3:00pm led by Pat Conte
March 14th: 7:00pm led by our clergy
Special Soup and Stations on March 21st- Join Us
March 21st: 3:00pm led by Pat Conte, Complimentary Soup at 4:15pm after the 3:00pm Stations.
March 21st: 7:00pm led by our clergy, Complimentary Soup at 5:30pm before to the 7:00pm Stations.
On Wednesday March 26th, Thursday March 27th, and Friday March 28th, Saint Michael is hosting a Lenten Mission at 7:00pm in the church. Please join us. See the details in the "Upcoming Events" section of the website.
April 4th: 3:00pm led by Pat Conte
April 4th: 4:00pm with children
April 4th: 7:00pm led by our clergy
April 11th: 3:00pm led by Pat Conte
April 11th: 4:00pm with children
April 11th: 6:00pm led by the Sisters of Life
April 18th: Good Friday of the Lord's Passion, 3:00pm, led by our clergy
Confession Times
Available By Any of the following Times
-Saturday: 9:30am thru 10:30pm
-After most weekday English Mass and English weekend Mass
-By appointment
-Monday: 6:00pm (Portuguese/Brazilian)
Location: By the front entrance of the Church, on the left side after you enter.
Eucharistic Adoration
First Fridays of each month: 9:30am to 10:30am
Location: the upper Church
"Come to me...And I will give you rest."
(Matthew 11:28)
Christ is present to us in many ways, as in the assembled faithful or the Word of God; however, his presence in the Eucharist is unique and qualitatively superior in that He is present truly, really, and substantially in his Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity.
Saint Michael the Archangel
Catholic Church
21 Manning Street
Hudson, MA 01749
Parish Office
20 High Street
Hudson, MA 01749
Priest & Administrator |
Reverend Bert Proulx
Priest | Portuguese Community |
Reverend Valdir Lima
Deacon |
Jarod Auclair
Deacon |
Charles Rossignol
Business Manager | Marcy Flaherty
Pastoral Assistant | Lori Morton