Saint Michael the Archangel Parish

21 Manning St

Hudson, MA 01749

Saint Michael the Archangel

Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of Boston.  Hudson, Massachusetts

Mass Times

The Lord's Day Mass

Saturday: 4:00pm Vigil Mass (English)

Sunday: 8:00am (English)  & 10:00am (English)

Sunday: 9:15am (Portuguese) in the lower Chapel

Sunday: 11:30am (Brazilian) in the lower Chapel

Daily Mass

Monday: 7:00pm (Portuguese/Brazilian)

Wednesday: 9:00am (English)

Thursday:  9:00am (English)

Friday:  9:00am  (English)

Saturday:  9:00am  (English)

Confession Times

Available any of the following Times

-Saturday: 9:30am - 10:30am

-After every weekday English Mass and English weekend Mass.

-By appointment

-Monday: 6:30pm (Portuguese/Brazilian)

Location:  By the front entrance of the Church, on the left side after you enter.

Eucharistic Adoration

Saturday of every week:  9:30am to 10:30am

Location: Upper Church

"Come to me...And I will give you rest."

(Matthew 11:28)

Christ is present to us in many ways, as in the assembled faithful or the Word of God; however, his presence in the Eucharist is unique and qualitatively superior in that He is present truly, really, and substantially in his Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. 

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