Saint Michael the Archangel Parish

21 Manning St

Hudson, MA 01749

Saint Michael the Archangel

Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of Boston.  Hudson, Massachusetts

The Offertory and Our Gifts

We commit to give thanks to God who has blessed us with his generosity. To be Christian is to give.

The Sunday offerings are a portion of our blessings that we give to God (Church) in gratitude to what God has done for us. Our contributions are used to further the good works of Jesus Christ in the community and to grow the mission of the Gospel in our area. 

“From the very beginning, Christians have brought, along with the bread and wine for the Eucharist, gifts to share with those in need”. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1351).

Sunday Offerings are collected on a weekly basis at the weekend Masses in the 1st collection basket during the Offertory of the Mass.  Some weeks throughout the year, there are special offerings which are collected in the 2nd collection basket during the Offertory of the Mass.   These special offerings are stipulated at the Mass and consist of monthly maintenance, charitable organizations or collections for special circumstances. 

How to Make Your Offerings

  • Offertory Envelopes 

We have offertory envelopes for parishioners to use during the Offertory collections of the Mass in which cash and checks can be used. On each envelope is a specific assigned parishioner number for you to use with your gift.  Gifts to the church are typically tax deductible, so at the end of the calendar year you can request from the office a report for the total amount that you had given for that tax year.  Please contact our office to request your parishioner envelopes.

  • Online Giving

We also have Online Giving Options for those who want to create automatic offerings or use paperless giving. Debit cards, credit cards and electronic checks can be used with the Online Giving Options.  These gifts can have an annual report generated to record your tax deductible donations. SELECT HERE to create an account for Online Giving.

  • Bill Pay Service through Your Bank

Utilize your bill pay service through your own bank account by setting up the following:

  1. Payee information is Saint Michael Parish
  2. Mailing address for payment is 20 High Street, Hudson, Massachusetts 01749, United States
  3. If you have a Parishioner number, Enter your Parishioner number in the memo section.  REGISTER HERE to become a Parishioner and receive your Parishioner number.

What if I Missed an Offertory?

If you missed an offertory for any reason, you can bring that week's offertory to the following week or make an offertory online or by mail to the parish office.  As much as we encourage you to participate in the Offertory during the Mass, offerings can be made anytime.    Offerings are a commitment to God(Church) by each of us, that is why we ask for your support to be consistent, regular and not to be attendance driven.

Thank you for your offerings and commitment to Saint Michael the Archangel Catholic Church.

About the Offerings

Honor the Lord with your wealth, with first fruits of all your produce; Then will your barns be filled with plenty, with new wine your vats will overflow. 

Proverbs 3:9-10

Stewardship of Treasure

Have you ever created a family budget? At the top of most people's list of expenses are big items like the mortgage, rent, car payments and tuition. Other expenses are food, credit card payments and entertainment. But how about the Church? Does our parish have a place in your family's budget?

Throughout Scripture, we are taught to give God our "first fruits" or the "choicest portion". We might say in modern speech that the first "line item" in the family budget should be returning a portion of our income to God. Both symbolically and in actuality, this is a powerful expression of God's place in our life. 

Sunday Offerings

We commit to give thanks to God who has blessed us with his generosity. To be Christian is to give.

The Sunday offerings are a portion of our blessings that we give to God (Church) in gratitude to what God has done for us. Our contributions are used to further the good works of Jesus Christ in the community and to grow the mission of the Gospel in our area. 

  • Sunday Offerings are the financial life blood of our parish. These weekly offerings are needed to pay the operational bills of our parish facilities: our church building, our rectory, our parish center and the exterior grounds and also, the remuneration of Church employees.


  • We do not receive any funding from the Archdiocese of Boston or the Vatican to maintain Saint Michael. This is the sole responsibility of our parish, its members, and the Catholic community around us. 


  • This is an annual ongoing commitment by each of us to support our parish in a weekly manner.  That is why we ask for your support to be consistent, regular and not to be attendance driven.  Just as a household, our parish bills never stop.


  • We ask that you prayerfully examine your personal finances to look for an opportunity to lend regular support to Saint Michael Parish.

Thank you for your offerings and commitment to Saint Michael Parish.  It's remarkable that all that we have been given is financially supported by your generous offerings through the weekly collections. 

Monthly Maintenance Offerings

Along with the Sunday offerings, the Monthly Maintenance Offerings play an important role in sustaining our parish. The church, the rectory, and the parish center are physical plants of mortar and bricks and great care is given to maintain our home of liturgy and prayer.

Monthly Maintenance Offerings are second collections that occur once a month and are normally requested on the second Sunday of each month.

We thank you for your monthly support of the maintenance expenses.

Second Collection Offerings

The bishops of the United States established the national collections to support the Church's works of social justice, evangelization and education, both domestically and around the globe.

Jesus reminds us that the two greatest commandments are to love God with our whole heart, our whole mind, and our whole soul; and to love our neighbor as ourselves.  The national collections offer us an opportunity to help our neighbors in the light of the Gospel.  In doing so, we act as faithful stewards of the gifts God has given us.

Through our parishes, every Catholic participates in a global community of faith.  The national collections are a powerful expression of this community.  Our contributions help people across the street and around the world, people who struggle to practice the faith, and people who live in great need.

Each of these important collections is worthy of support and represents the community of faith at work in the world, saving souls and improving lives.  Catholics are encouraged to view the national collections in the light of stewardship and of sharing.

Online Giving Options

Contribute to the Offerings of Saint Michael the Archangel Parish with the security and convenience of Online Giving.

Go paperless and make contributions to Saint Michael the Archangel Parish simple for you.  With Online Giving, you can give to the parish whenever and wherever with the simple click of a button from  a computer or smart phone.

Benefits of Online Giving

24/7 access to your account and the ability to donate
Easily schedule recurring and future donations to coincide with your pay period
Credit card option allows you to take advantage of rewards such as air miles or cash bonuses
No need to disclose bank information because you enter it directly into the Online Giving secure site
Continue to support your church even when you can't attend service with one-time or recurring donations
With full control of your account you can easily adjust your contribution amounts

Tax Time made easier.  The donations you make are credited to your tax statement for the end of the year (except when made anonymously)

How to Get Started with Online Giving

1.) Create An Account

  • Go to our Online Giving website at WeShare...CLICK HERE
  • Select a fund to donate a gift to by clicking "Give Now."
  • Enter your gift amount, select your gift type and frequency, select a start date, and click continue.

2.)  Enter Your Account Information

  • Enter your information, payment information, and payment method address.
  • Then create a new password and click "Submit Your Gift."
  • A confirmation email will then be sent to your inbox.

3.) You Are Now All Set Up To Give!

  • You can now sign in through this page to access your account to see upcoming and past gifts.

If you have additional questions regarding Online Giving, feel free to contact the parish office.

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